• Spezialist für den Schutz von Alleinarbeiten. Mobi Click ist Hersteller von Personen Notsignal Geräten inkl. Totmannschaltung und Notruf App

    Your specialist for the professional protection of solo work

The right solution for every single workstation

Every activity requires different demands on a personal emergency signal device. Our Life Tel series provides tailor-made solutions for activities on large industrial plants up to office workplaces.

Let us advise you now and receive a tailor-made offer, we look forward to getting to know you:

0049 335 869 509 62

or mail to: info@mobi-click.com

Persons Emergency signal system Life Tel

Funktionen und Vorteile der Personen Notsignal Anlage Life Tel Totmannschaltung Sturzalarm Lagealarm Zeitalarm Fluchtalarm Konform mit den Anforderungen der Berufsgenossenschaft
Personen Notsignal Anlagen Mobi Click

Recommended by professional associations and the DGUV.

Personal emergency signal systems, which are built and parameterized according to the product standard VDE V 0825-1, are suitable to be used for personal emergency signaling during dangerous solo work in accordance with DGUV regulation 112-139 (ex BGR / GUV-R 139). 

The Life Tel 1 Plus (-M) / Life Tel 2 (-M)

Life Tel 4 series - emergency signal smartphones for the protection of working alone - also available as an ATEX variant

PNA Notrufuhren für Alleinarbeiter

Professional lone worker protection

to the product

Personal emergency signal reception center

to the product

LiveWatch - smart PNA emergency call watch for lone workers

To the product

Life Tel 4

Mobi-Click - your specialist for mobile security technology

For more than 10 years, Mobi-Click has been a renowned manufacturer of innovative, certified and reliable personal emergency signal devices, which makes us one of the market leaders in the field of emergency signal technology. The focus is on the safety of lone workers, i.e. people who work outside of call and sight to other people, because there are lone workers in every industry.

Mobi-Click offers you explosion protection certified personal emergency call systems with an emergency app in smartphone format, as well as slimmer 3-button solutions with dead man's switch and all necessary alarm types. In contrast to the competition, our solutions always fully comply with the conditions and regulations of the employers' liability insurance association according to BGR 139, today BGR / GUV-RA39 and the accident insurance DGUV 112-139.

With the Life Tel 4 L EX, we are now offering not only an absolutely robust (IP 68), but above all a certified, explosion-proof smartphone for worldwide protection of your employees. It was specially developed for securing solo work in EX-protected areas in accordance with ATEX Directive 2014/34 / EU. With the help of the built-in sensors, the specially designed emergency app detects the movement profile of the lone worker, so that the Life Tel 4 L EX automatically triggers an emergency signal to the connected control center in the event of an accident (independent alarm) or a voluntary call for help from the wearer. This immediately starts the rescue chain so that the casualty can be found immediately with all the information transmitted by the Life Tel 4 L EX, when every second counts.

Personen Notsignal Anlagen von Mobi Click. Hersteller für den Schutz von Alleinarbeit

Our product service

✔ Test for 14 days without obligation - without any follow-up costs

✔ free installation support

✔ Maintenance-free infrastructure

✔ Connection to a 24-hour round-the-clock service possible on request

Senior solutions

Mobile alarm systems

Car alarm system